Welcome to the Norwex Movement

Earth Hour 2015

Earth Hour 2015

Earth Hour 2015 – A Small Start to a Big Idea

Earth Hour began in 2007, as a way to get people to think about energy conservation.

At first a small, symbolic effort, the event has since become much bigger, with participants coming up with new ways to show their support of conservation.

Most importantly, Earth Hour is getting people to talk.

Every bit helps – installing more efficient light bulbs, engaging in less frivolous travel, shutting off electronics when not in use, turning down the thermostat on the hot water, heat and air conditioning — all these changes save energy and, incidentally, save you tons of money too!

Support Earth Hour and encourage others to do the same. This year, Earth Hour is set for Saturday, March 28, between 8:30pm and 9:30pm, your local time.

9 Fun Ways to Spend Earth Hour

1. Candlelight Dinner – Enjoy diner sans the lights. Prepare the whole meal and set the table in advance. Light some candles and enjoy an intimate dinner together discussing the mission of Earth Hour and what it means to you. Whether it’s with your honey, your family, or just a friend or two, you’ll be sure to enjoy. Another option is Fondue! Great meal with no electricity.

2. Earth Discussion – Earth Hour is a great opportunity to talk with your family about actions you can take to make Earth Hour every night throughout the year. Some easy actions to start with are turning off the lights when no one is in a room or washing clothes in cold water. Ask children to come up with their own ideas to save energy, limit waste and make a positive impact on the environment.

3. Go Stargazing – Earth Hour is an opportunity to view the stars without competing with the lights from buildings and homes. Borrow an astronomy book from the library and see if you can find constellations and planets as a family.

4. Flashlight Stroll – Go for a walk around your neighborhood with a flashlight. You can use this as an opportunity to politely inform neighbors with their lights on that it is Earth Hour and what that means.

5. Throw a Dark Party – Invite family and friends over to celebrate Earth Hour together. Earth Hour lands on a Saturday so why not utilize the day to get together and celebrate together. Ask attendees to turn off their lights and unplug unnecessary electronics before leaving their house.

6. Game Night – Gather the family and friends for an epic night of games. What says I care about the earth more than playing a game of Jenga by candlelight? It’s sure to be a blast. Hide-n-go-Seek anyone?

7. Old Picture Time – Dig out the old family album(s) and gather around to tell stories from the good ol’ days. Pictures are windows into the past and what better time to reconnect with treasured memories than to share them with the people you love.

8. Go Local – Attend a local Earth Hour event. Check your local news outlet for ideas and scheduled events.

9. Treasure Hunt – Hide eatable treats around the house and send the kids a searching during Earth Hour. Or, create treat vouchers with sticky notes, hide the vouchers next to outlets where unnecessary electronics are plugged in. Have your kids hunt out the vouchers, unplug the electronics, and redeem the vouchers for treats.

Join in on the conversation on social media and use the hashtags, #EarthHour #YourPower and #NorwexEarthHour

Official Earth Hour Website

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Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
7 years ago

Will be participating in this years event!! Thinking of hosting a candlelight dinner party!

Lia Thompson
Lia Thompson
6 years ago

Will be using these ideas for the next earth hour next march