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Chemical-Free Summer: Home Pests

Chemical-Free Summer: Home Pests

Keep Pests Away Without Harmful Chemicals

It’s no secret that the pests come out in the summer. From ants to spiders and everything in between, it often feels as though we have more summertime guests than we desire. Here are some tips to help rid your home of those unwanted pests.


Alternative Pesticides
As a general rule there are not many pesticides you want to use inside the home. If you do have some stubborn pests here a few pesticides you can use inside your home.

  • Boric Acid for cockroaches
  • DE (Diatomaceous Earth) for ants, cockroaches and fleas
  • Borax and Sugar Mixture for ants


Common Household Deterrents
There are many common household items that can be used to keep indoor pests at bay, sprinkled around entry ways, mixed and sprayed or slipped into cracks. Here are a few items you may have around the house.

  • Mint Tea Bags and Cloves – ants
  • Catnip – cockroaches
  • Citrus – Fleas
  • Sage or Rosemary on BBQ Coals – Mosquitoes
  • Bay Leaves, Cloves and Eucalyptus – Flies
  • Peppermint & Lemon Essential Oils – Spiders


Smart Habits
There are many ways in which we can eliminate comfortable environments for pests. From removing dust, to cleaning up food, here are some smart habits to get rid of mites, ants, spiders and more!

  • Vacuum mattresses and pillows
  • Bathe and comb pets regularly
  • Remove standing water sources, change birdbath water and pet bowls twice weekly
  • Use Norwex EnviroCloth® or Scrubby Corner Cloth to clean counter tops after every meal
  • Store food in containers that seal tightly
  • Put pet food in a “soapy moat”. Putting your pet’s food bowl in a larger bowl of soapy water deters pests from getting into the food

Controlling ants from centralsan.org
Natural insect control from eartheasy.com
Non-toxic pest control from beyondpesticides.org

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Gingi Freeman
Gingi Freeman
6 years ago

Great tips!! We struggle with ants in the summer where we live!

Jenna Gray
Jenna Gray
6 years ago

I had no idea that peppermint and lemon essential oils deter spiders! I’m going to buy these and spray my entire house!

Lauren Rogers
Lauren Rogers
3 years ago

Catnip deters cockroaches?! Well as a cat loving household, this is certainly a win-win option!!